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Amazing Roulette System Tool for Online Roulette

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Money Maker Machine Amazing Roulette System Tool for Online Roulette


To begin with, i will explain what Money Maker Machine is and why you should consider it for being your best companion in a roulette game. Money Maker Machine (also known as MMM) is a tool that will help you to make cash using many patterns configured in the tool and named as « betting palette ». Using a pre-configured « betting palette » the tool will simply play the roulette automatically for you.

That all ? So why this tool is so exceptional ?

Well, trust me or not, this tool have the ability to tell you which color will come next if you ever happen to have 7 consecutive losses. This feature currently works in FUN MODE of many online casinos (more than 60!) and this feature is being worked on to work in REAL MODE to help you make money anytime. Money Maker Machine is unique and uses intelligence collected in order to predict and analyze the next number that will come up. And guess what? This work 100% and ALL the time in FUN MODE! So why not in REAL MODE?

Why i chose Money Maker Machine?

Its rather simple, i trust those poeple. They have found a way to win at the roulette, they have put really lots of effort so far. This is a concept really well though. What do you need more ? I mean, they showed us that this tool is working great in FUN MODE so why not in REAL MODE? I guess this is possible ! I chose Money Maker Machine for the analysis feature offcourse but also because its fun to use and really user friendly. There also a growing community that focus on using the MMM tool to win money.

First steps with Money Maker Machine

1. The first step is sure getting the trial version available there : download the software tool for online roulette

If you don’t then its too bad for you. I mean, you will never be able to find out the truth if this work or not, so don’t come later saying "Oh man i am so sorry you was right" cause it will be too late!

2. Then you have to download an online casino, since the trial only have one casino available to try on i suggest you try OnlineCasino available at ----- then open a FUN GAME account. NOTE:The software chooses the casino for trial version.

3. Once your done and have both casino and MMM tool installed. Its the time to win ! in FUN MODE off course!

4. Start up MMM and OnlineCasino, then start the European Roulette game.

5. Now, click on Betting Palette on your MMM tool which is the Icon next to start and live help. Then select static and check RED or BLACK depending on what to bet if some color come up. Don’t forget to check the option « Find sequence of loss before playing ».

6. Now your ready, press START and enter your starting balance and end balance. The tool will stop once the end balance is reached. Then let it play! And enjoy your winnings!

Part 1 of 2

The Static and Dynamic Betting Palette

This is a great feature and probably one of the most used MMM feature. MMM work using a martingale system, he is betting from 1$ to 128$ units to win each time a profit of 1$ per win. So you initially need a bankroll of minimum 255$. The static betting palette enable you to choose where to bet from the first to eight betting you have to do. So if you set the first bet to RED if the ball drop on a BLACK then the tool will bet RED if the ball drop on BLACK. So you can set those from bet 1 to 8. At the 8th bet if you still lose then MMM will popup a message saying that he is analyzing the situation and recommend you to bet either on BLACK or RED. Something, it cannot recommend anything well this is because of the ZERO which is not BLACK and not RED. The Dynamic Betting palette is like the static one but a bit more complex. It enable you to set index and the palette change every spins depending on your configuration.

Collecting Numbers – The R2 Project

The MMM tool is all about working together. We have a goal using the tool and it is to win. However, we need help from everyone to do so. We need help to collect numbers and this is what the R2 project stand on. We are working to make the analysis to work in REAL MODE. Our objective is to beat the RNG (Numbers generator) of an online casino by finding winning sequences. You may join the R2 project by purchasing a license for only 97$! This is not big if you consider that you can earn even more from this project. So think about it! So to collect number you have to press the REC button at top of the MMM tool and select the casino and how much numbers you want to collect. Then later you can press stop to send the numbers to our analysis server,

Real Money Simulation Tool

This is some new featured added recently to the version 1.25 ! The idea is to simulate winnings in the REAL MODE. This way we can test our our new features and test if the system will work later. This is a really nice feature. To enable it you have to check the case « Use Real Money Simulator » in the start dialog before you start a new game using the MMM tool. Then you will play with virtual money in REAL MODE.

Get an Hand On The Game History

The MMM tool is equipped of a LOG system. This LOG system log everythings in a game session and store it locally on the software and not on the hard drive. You can’t save it later. You need to save it right after a game session by clicking the « History » icon on the MMM tool then « Save ».

The Ultimate Power : The Analysis Feature

OMG! Right now i will talk about the most amazing feature of the MMM tool. The Analysis Feature. This little beauty can tell you which color will come next. However, this is only working in FUN MODE right now but hopefully pretty soon this will work also in REAL MODE. This is just a matter of time. This feature is probably what making the tool unique since without it the MMM tool would be a simple betting tool without any intelligence. So having this feature is a must!

The MMMR's system (aka MMM Requests)

The MMM tool share an integrated currency within the members of the R2 project. This currency is called an MMMR (Money Maker Machine Request). This will be used later in REAL MODE. When the user will be in front of 7 consecutive losses then the tool will make a request to the request server of MMM. This request is also known as an analysis that return the next number that will come next. Each MMMR worth up to 75$! And the members can share them, sell them or even buy them from other members!

Finding the sequence of loss

This feature is interesting. It find the sequence of loss of your betting palette before the tool begin to play. We all know that this can be useless in some case. You can have two sequence of loss in a row! That already happened however i guess that this is reducing the chance to lose another time in some cases plus this help to test the game in REAL MODE and discover some stuffs. However this is not 100% risk free but still a cool feature.

More features to come

Yeah, the MMM tool come with a growing communauty that are ready to support you! And sure there will be more feature to come such feature that will use the collected numbers so far to help you win even more! Each releases come with exciting new features that will help you to win.


Here my final impression. MMM is certainly a nice piece of software and have also a nice futur ahead. We can’t be wrong in getting into this wonderful project filled of wonderful people that are ready to support you and help you. As for the winnings, it is proven that this tool can actually make you win even without the analysis system, however this is not recommanded due to the fact that you are still at risk of losing around 255$ in a session or less depeding on your winnings in this session. So get the tool, help us collect numbers, help us to finally make this software working in the REAL MODE and you will be rewarded for sure in the end. I have no doubt on that! So recommand this tool to anyone that want to make money!

You can finnd Money Maker Machine, Roulette Tool, Ultimate Roulette Tool in: GOOGLE, ALTAVISTA, MSN, YAHOO, GRAB, etc.

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Pour rester dans la langue de nos chers amis British, pourquoi ne pas ajouter a cette magnifique publicité:

"There's a sucker born every minute".....

En tout cas, bien vu, le lien d'affiliation est assez convenablement camoufle....tss tss spa/m

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Tiens ici aussi : MMM et R2 le retour !

Toutefois, j'admire les efforts de certains pour essayer de vendre leur camelote

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Inscription: Il y a 14 ans
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bonsoir tu a tout a fait raison

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Ne le prend pas mal je ne suis pas modérateur, mais tu ne vas pas remonter tous les vieux threads de merde pour augmenter ton compteur ?
Y a tellement de bons sujet dans le forum qu’il faut laisser « enfoui » tous ceux qui ne valent pas la peine tu regardes la date du dernier post avant de répondre ? Surtout pour un SCAM

Rapporter le messageRépondre en citant le messagede azgj2 » Mar Aoû 28, 2007 5:15 pm


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