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jaja, grosse blokade!!

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Tout s'éclaire à présent :

Tout est dans le pp zackig

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systran ne vaut guère mieux ...

ce domaine de la traduction par moteur interne est loin de la compréhension de base ; il reste un fameux chemin à parcourir...

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Mais, tu sais, on est dans la bonne tendance

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D'aprpès les graphiques il faut comparer les tirages d'une table sur 13 jours pour déterminer la tendance rouge ou noir une méthode qui ressemble à la méthode Galtame.

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Galtame ? Désolé, je ne connais pas. C'est qui ?

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Cette méthode reprend les travaux de marigny de grilleau 50 ans plus tard justement par un professeur allemand Manfred Eigen un peu comme sur le site allemand en exploitant la loi des figures, loi des séries.
Cessna est plus qualifié que moi pour donner son opinion sur cette méthode
Ce qu'il y a sur le forum c'est un peu la suite de galtame à mon avis.

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ouza zür das Forum, Kandit?

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à l'époque (+/- 1985) mon programmeur fit un logiciel de vérification de GALTAME les résultats furent mauvais...à oublier

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ZERO, en attendant le retour de vacances de Raziel, voici une traduction partielle :

The strategy explain by Dirk Shorter ar is the best
Roulette Basisstrategie (tendency play)

The tendency play was described some time ago in the system market EMS. Over the basic principle there were also before already various publications, whereby from the Telatzky publishing house refugee is to be emphasized book rhythms and tendencies thereby.
Those in the following represented main forms of the tendency taping proved in practice and with empirical examinations as in such a manner useful that one can quite call the tendency play basis strategy for roulette.
With consistent application and a trained feeling for the optimum tendency (if several attack possibilities are present) longer continuing profit runs can be obtained, than with other Roulette systems.
The fact is interesting in this connection that some system offerers pay attention lately the additive "you also to the tendency" with intersperse. I would formulate that differently: Pay attention only to the tendency.

Roulette tendency 1: Series/noses

A tendency picture frequently which can be observed: A chance appears in series. Between them the Gegenchance comes only as a coup ("nose"). The length of the series is arbitrary, should however ideal-proves in the range 3 to 6 to lie. In practice I wait for a longer advance, than explained in the example. Often the entrance succeeds as in the example: 2 hits, then the plus/minus sequence develops for 1 false hit or + - + - + in personal permanence.
In both cases the partial attack brings surplus to 1 pieces. It is moved so for a long time on the favorite side (in this case red), until the tendency picture changes. That could be the case, if after beginning of play only èr series and a coups arise. Immediate abort, if on the "Nasen" side (in this example" S "as black) series form.

The tendency player Phoenix won from the company Casinoâll organized Roulette "Grand Prix ", which persisted over 13 play weeks, whereby he played thereby to a large extent also after the tendency. The basis strategy described here is thereby only the general basis, to which still some more belongs. In addition I count a flexible adjustment of the operating altitude to the process of personal permanence. Functions only with much experience, which one can rain oneself.

The permanence announcement with Casinoâll is somewhat habituation needy. In the German gaming houses indicated permanence runs perpendicularly, whereby between 12 and 20 numbers are indicated. Who times in Valkenburg or another Dutch Casino was, the horizontal permanence announcements become.
With casinoâll the last 17 thrown numbers were indicated in each case, whereby the scale from right shifts to the left. The most current coup is to be seen thus left in each case. The above screen SHOT shows a tendency phase, which was effectively taped by a tendency player named "roulado" (23.08. to 13:42 o'clock). The black/red sequence corresponds to a combination from the series/nose tendency described above and a classical change coup tendency, which are in the following more near described. Since the two-series were exclusively on the black side, no Intermittenz sentences were transacted, but it was played with simple overlay only on the chance black.
If it would have given and otherwise only however occasional two-series, both on red, in the permanence section represented above and on black the a coups, one would have had itself to adapt to this process with the change tendency play.

Roulette tendency 2: Change tendency

This tendency picture can occur very long lasting. Single coups and two-series are the most frequent manifestations and arise thus logical-prove also more frequently in the group. As long as between the a coups and/or Intermittenzcoups only èr series arise, the tendency picture is considered as intact. In this phase on changes of the chance one sets. As long as the tendency picture is not interrupted by one ér ér-oder longer series, the process of the own plus/minus sequence remains in the most unfavorable case - + - + - + etc., in the more favorable case looks the result sequence rather about in such a way: + - + + - + + - etc..
The legendary million-winner Thomas Garcia taped excluding this tendency and won with its Progession so spectacularly and long lasting that the gaming house bath Homburg stood briefly before the ruin. Over refined Garcia Spieltechniken I will publish still some shortly.

Roulette tendency 3: Series change

Some tendency players prefer this tendency sample, with which only series appear. After three to four series of the length or more largely (whereby also èr series can occur between them) one sets 3 in each case on the chance appeared before. A certain chance is not favored, but one adapts to the tendency that almost exclusively Serien-bzw. Arise to subsequent coups. In practice I tape this tendency picture only rarely, since I nearly always find tables with tendency pictures after phase 1 or 2. Only if the hall tendency confirms the series change tendency picture clearly, I begin an effective play after phase 3. Uneasiness makes for me thereby the permanent play against isolated one, which is consciously taken into account in the other phases, here however the attack abort leads. With my gaming house route in the past year (105 attendance in 29 different gaming houses, under it Monte Carlo, Baden bathing, Dortmund Hohensyburg etc..) I won the impression that the series changes became apparently rather unstable, as the tendencies 1 and 2.

Roulette tendency 4: "Chaos" phase - no attack!

If none of the phases in pure form, specified above, arise, unstable tendencies develop, to which one cannot adapt reasonably. Nearly each tendency player will make losses in such "merge phases", since the basic tendencies demonstrated above do not come over a short initial stage outside. Who makes the error to follow after to short advance of an alleged tendency in this chaos phase a series of false starts will experience. In the personal permanence of the player long minus series with isolated plus will then "Nasen "to arise. A characteristic of this phase of the instability is the occurrence of series more largely 3 on both chance sides also between them strewn isolated a coups. It is not a clear favorite to recognize in addition, no calculable tendency sample. If the "hall tendency" of a gaming house is in such a manner unstable, I begin the effective play at a later time. Only if the phases are several times clearly recognizable 1 to 3, the most stable tendency is taped.
Who already orients itself at smallest figures and samples (e.g. at the Alyett' figures) and after only 4 to 6 coups advance attacks, without considering the superordinate tendency, surely repeatedly into involving heavy losses chaos phases will come, as the consistent tendency player.

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Why is the tendency play the perhaps best basic concept?

The realization results from the experience after several hundred gaming house attendance, as well as the analysis of most roulette - systems, which appeared since 1995 on the market, as well as the classical author tested likewise up to now. Crystallized itself again and again out: No matter whether one uses the permanence sequence between black and red (or also Pair/Impair, Passe/Manque or TS combinations) as starting point or the plus/minus sequence from a high-complicated march with 30 special rules - in all cases the four tendency phases in homogeneous form, described before, will arise.
On the Paroli side I will furnish the proof that also a devised system with 100 duplication columns and optimized fictitious rule work in the final result produces only a Plus/Minus Permenanz, which corresponds to the tendency phase characteristic of normal table permanence.

If even the most complex marches do not create it to go around the chaos phases and/or tendency change phases involving a loss must be thought seriously about the sense or nonsense of extremely complex sentence identification procedures. On the Vorseite represented chaos phase naturally only one example of a play section involving a loss is with roulette the tendency play. Each rigid system has possibly a so-called "deadly figure", which can consist of different permanence sample. If this constellation in clenched form arises, thus several times directly one behind the other, the player comes into one often no longer correctable loss phase.
The logic of the tendency play is based therefore also to tape only stable tendency phases and avoid indefinable merge phases. As soon as during a tendency attack a double loss arises, the play is automatically closed, since the tendency picture became unstable.
In the context of a longer play phase, if already first middleman's profits are present, the abort criterion can be loosened somewhat. In these cases also easily unstable tendencies (e.g. a series/nose process, with which occasionally a two-series on the nose side arises) can be further taped.
This otherwise somewhat spongelike term "knows" (does not have however) is meant not in the sense of intuition, but is representative of some special conditions of the tendency play with roulette, which within two, three paragraphs not to be described to be able. In addition also the ability practically easy to learn counts to concentrate with repeated attack possibility on the qualitatively optimum tendency.

Example: They observe two different roulette - tables. At both a chance runs in series and the Gegenchance only as a coup (within a 15-Coup-Abschnittes). In order to determine those allegedly qualitatively better tendency, one analyzes now (if possible) also still the permanence process before the last 15-Coup-Abschnitt. Now perhaps with the comparison one states that at the first table a very long series had appeared before on the later nose side. At the second table the series on the current nose side disintegrated into ever shorter features (e.g. only êr series, then more ér, more èr and only 1er and/or. Nose features).
This prehistory at the second table appears better after past experiences for a afterwards tapable tendency process, than the advance at the first table, where the long series on the opposing chance side throws still its "shade" in the tendency picture.
This Nebenbetrachtung applies only to the series/nose tendency picture and it is only one of many Nebenkriterien, which an experienced tendency player considers.
A further secondary condition, which applies to all tendency phases, is the attention of the "hall tendency". Who in a gaming house was only rarely or never, this effect to hardly reconstruct will be able. In addition later more.

A further form of the refinement is the secured tendency play, whereby one secures the strongest numbers from the "hostile" chance with one transversal transversalen-oder Carré sentence, if several of these numbers are within a high tablet chance. If one makes this blackred on the pairs of chances Pair/Impair or, occasional double hits as side effect, which can very precipitously upward carry the balance in a favorable phase, result. Turned around the insurance in addition, money can cost unnecessarily, if it runs times badly.
Whether and when the insurance play offers itself, lies in the discretion of the practically experienced tendency player. Usually this play form so often does not offer itself.

The contribution about tendency play is continued. Then I will publish also various play recordings, which document the tendency play in the hard practical application still better. First already times an example from my tendency play of 10.11.1999 in the Casino Monte Carlo. We played there at three tables at the same time, which ran on both play days very well.

In November 1999 we played in some French Casinos (Nice, Cannes and Beaulieu), as well as in Monte Carlo exclusive after the tendency play described before and were clear after six play days in the plus.

For the reservation of the tables I always use note books in handy form. To the better overview the effective sentences in parentheses are represented. The accompanying letter serves as allocation for the more exact record keeping (time, table, sentence height etc.), which takes place on a separate side. In the example it concerns a play section on the pair of chances Passe/Manque.

To the topic gaming house round trip follows shortly still another report, which will enter likewise more in greater detail with the topic tendency play. Apart from the attendance of the probably most beautiful Casinos of the world in Monte Carlo I was likewise very much impressed of the gaming house in Dortmund Hohensyburg.
With my attendance 13 roulette of tables were opened, whereby I concentrated with the reservation on the four most promising tables. Who is interested seriously for the Roulette Systemspiel, the gaming house should regard times.

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Tendency play does not function always, but more frequently than one believes

If one simulates the basic kinds roulette of the tendency play in its simplest form at the computer, the result ends somewhere after several test years within the range zero minus Zeroverlust. Experienced tendency players create it nevertheless to fare in practice better. How is to be explained?

A crucial reason is the feeling for a tendency change beginning. So one can change already before on another pair of chances, before the inevitable double loss occurs.
Example: After the advance SS R S R S RR S R S R SS R far on changes between black (s) and red (R) is played. Permanence could continue in the favorable case about in such a way: S R S RR S R etc..
Up to then the play with the 1 - 2 - overlay runs still optimally. Then it continues however in such a way: SS R SS RR. The portion of èr series increased and one meets in ever shorter succession only with that in each case second set of the 1-2-Ueberlagerung. A before intact tendency picture disintegrates often not suddenly, but suggests the end frequently in the form of rhythm disturbances. Who observes its personal plus/minus result sequence attentively, can to it react accordingly and the attack prematurely terminate.

The example is only suggest that a perfected tendency play can depend on further secondary conditions, which cannot be formed into a completely rigid set of rules. That has to however only partly do something with intuition, because the sentences remain logically comprehensible.
If the player changes his tactics to that extent e.g. after some time that he occasionally already attacks new tendency samples after 12 instead of before 15 coups advance, this allegedly intuitively affected "rule offence" has to do rather something with the perception of the superordinate tendency. The Unterbewusstsein signaled attentively through-analyzed permanence still in the own neural "memory" and that the tendency phases run off for some time in shorter cycles. With it it concerns a kind intuition, which is steered by the head and not by the oft-quoted belly.

Damage delimitation in bad play phases One does not get always a good start. Every now and then there are also times two or three false starts. Then are lost four to six pieces. In practice I lower the employment then from 50's on 10er-Jetons, in order to limit possible further damage. The further process decides, if the employment is again increased. In the worst case also still the next and perhaps even the tendency attack after the next goes beside it. Such absolute Chaos Days are however very rare. If one reacts wrongly, one can play won money much before on these few days again or slip with much pitch equal into the loss zone.
Therefore one should pay attention with the tendency play to its personal permanence. Also within this own fate curve tendency pictures in the form described before develop. If one got e.g. a bad day, the plus/minus curve of the own results could have the following process: - - - + - - + - - + - etc.. That is a clear series/nose tendency picture, which signals us in this case: Here nothing goes for the moment. Consequence: The operating altitude radically downward drive.

Theoretically one would know this phase also by fictitious play or negative-corrodes projects. In practice however it showed up that one turns out then rather from the clock and cannot also after the "consolidation phase" frequently any longer so well the tendency follow. It is better to out-pass on the minus phase with small pieces and to increase with improved tendency picture in personal permanence the employments again. The coincidence is inexorable, if it concerns to adjust Plus-und of minus results in the long term relatively.
The coincidence (if at all) can obvious be out-cheated only over the different operating altitude. And one may proceed evenly not as rigidly, as during the sentence identification, but times according to the tendency of personal permanence also with a small shot intuition. Thus however only the Unterbewusstsein and not the classical intuition in the sense of indiscriminate "transverse patch play" is meant.

Despite all adjustments isolated days, there is simply nothing will give. In the past year I have two of such particularly chaotic days experienced, there ran it contrarily for hours, no matter how variable one arranged the adjustments. In bathing bathing I experienced this phenomenon, although ten tables stood to the selection. Due to the somewhat shorter permanence indicating panels the rough identification of the best tendency pictures was anyway difficult. The tendency sequences alternated in such a short consequence among themselves that it was impossible to come into a profit run. The damage could be first limited by employment reduction, but to the problem the many false sets with overlaid piece size became with the time. The happened in each case after some initial gains with small pieces, if for the moment the increase the tendency broke down.
Such days are in my opinion rather rare and one should then better a bearable loss accept, than just in this situation far conversion producing.

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comme tu ne me facilites pas la tâche avec le Triangle de Pascal

la traduction restera en anglais.

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Le bonjour de Frankfurt. LOL

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Début du sujet  

comme tu ne me facilites pas la tâche avec le Triangle de Pascal

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