Si je vous dis que l'on peut devenez le prochain numéro vous allez me dire que je suis completement dingue..right?
En fait il y a 1 semaine, j'aurais traité de parfait crétin la personne arrivant sur ce forum pour nous dire cela. Sauf qu'hier, je sors ma petite roulette en plastique qui était dans le fond d'un tiroir et j'utilise la technique d'un gars et je dis à mon frère, c'est le 13 que je vois.
Je spin la roulette, la bille saute un peu partout et PAF!...le numéro 13 sort (!!!). Bref on en revenait pas. Je me plante sur les 2-3 autres spins mais là je vois un 4 apparaitre avec on dirait un 1 mais un plus haut que le 4 alors je mise le 4 et le 14 et paf!...le 4 sort. Hehe, non ce n'est pas un poisson d'avril.
Avant de sauter au plafond et de croire que tout ça est vrai (car ça semble un peu trop beau pour être vrai) laissez-moi vous explique comment j'en suis rendu là.
Il y a presque 20 ans de celà, un ami m'amene dans un casino pour jouer à un jeu qu'il adore, la roulette. Bien sûr, beginner's luck, je gagne en partant, mes numéros sortent. Wow, quel jeu sublime, on fait du $$ tout en s'amusant. J'ai eu la piqure.
Cependant, ça n'a pas été bien long avant que le retour du balancier revienne et que je me mette à perdre sans arrêts. Le problème c'est que le balancier est revenu mais n'est jamais reparti dans l'autre direction et j'en revenait pas de voir que je perdait presque tout le temps et pas juste à cause de l'avantage de la maison (0 ou 00) mais en misant le rouge quand c'est le noir qui sort ou en misant le noir quand c'est le rouge qui sort.
Bon 1 fois ou 2 ça passe mais perdre presque 100% du temps quand on a environ 50% de gagner, je trouvait ça très louche dans le temps et ça continu aujourd'hui. Je trouvais un systeme et je me disait " elle ne fait pas ce genre du figure, on va faire du $$ ce soir" et comme de fait, dès que j'arrive au casino et mise, la table me sort le genre du séquence qui me fait perdre mais quand je regarde les autres tables, aucunes de ces tables n'ont sorti cette séquence perdante. Bref je suis encore une fois attiré LA mauvaise table.
Voyez-vous, contrairement à ce que bien des gens ici et sur d'autres forums pense, je suis loin d'être stupide, j'ai déjà passé avec succèss un test de Q.I. que mon ami Yves, membre du groupe Mensa m'a amené un jour. Il m'a dit, si tu passe ce test, tu fait partie de l'élite mondial et à un Q.I. que seulement 2% de la population a.
Ayant passé le test il voulait ensuite me faire passer un 2e test pour savoir exactement mon IQ mais j'ai décliné l'offre car je trouve ça un peu stupide de se vanter d'avoir un gros cerveau quand dans le fond, on est né comme ça et qu'on a aucun mérite.
Bref tout ça pour vous dire que quand je m'interesse à qq chose d'un peu bizarre et que je me fais traiter de con, généralement ces eux les cons car il me sous-estime totalement et pense que j'ai pas fait de recherche dans le domaine avant de dire de quoi qui peut en choquer plusieurs.
Autrement dit, écoutez moi bien ici avant de sortir l'artillerie lourde.
Donc je réunis mon ami Yves et son team de Mensa (une belle gang de nerd quoi hehe) et là je leur pose la question suivante.
"...Si j'ai environ 50% de chance de gagner, alors comment ça ce fait que je perd 100% du temps? Donc pourquoi je mise rouge er c'est noir et pourquoi quand je passe aux noir c'est rouge qui sort?".
La seule conclusion "logique" est ce que la Quantum Physique appelle le collapse "négatif" de la wave function.
Bon pour ne pas predre tout le monde ici, je vais simplifier le tout en vous traduisant tout ça.
Je perd car mon cerveau SAIT la couleur qui va sortir et le flash que j'ai m'amène à miser la couleur opposée.
Ça c'est certain et on est TOUS d'accord sur ce point (on est sur des forums de malades avec des physiciens quantiques, des scientifiques etc, bref des gros cerveaux généralement dans un petit corps en chemises à carreaux, tous célibataires et connaissant au moins 20 numéros après la virgule du nombre pi).
La question maintenant c'est de savoir COMMENT le cerveau fait pour savoir la couleur ou le numéro suivant et comment on peut faire pour le savoir à l'avance et de ne pas miser contre encore une fois et sortir perdant du casino.
La théorie qui semble le faire l'unanimité c'est la théorie des Univers parallels et de la loi de l'attraction et des taux vibratoires.
Selon Hugh Everett III, quantum physicist dans les années 50, à chaque fois qu'on prend une décision, l'univers se divise en 2 et on a donc 2 possibilités devant nous, soit un univers où on gagne à la roulette et un 2e univers où l'on perd.
L'univers dont on va prendre conscience dépend du taux vibratoire qu'on a lors du spin de la bille (Loi de l'attraction). Taux vibratoire fort (espoir, joie, amour, etc) on attire l'univers où on gagne. Taux vibratoire faible (peur, haine, etc) on attire l'univers où on perd.
Cela expliquerait le fait que quand j'entre dans le casino, j'ai souvent peur de perdre et comme de fait je perd mais quand je joue aux cartes avec des amis, je m'attire presque toujours un jeu très fort car ici, y a pas d'argent à perdre (ou très peu) alors je gagne souvent.
Ça expliquerait aussi le fait que quand je joue sur Dublin en play money, je gagne souvent, alors qu'en real money, ça marche pas malgré que sur papier, notre systeme est très fort.
Autrement dit, on a beau trouver un systeme qui gagne 99% du temps, rendu au casino, je tombe sur la table qui me fait perdre (l'autre 1%).
Bref, j'était sur un forum qui parlait de ma recherche sur le subconscient et un gars má demandé pourquoi une recherche sur le subconscient et je lui ai raconté ma recherche sur la roulette et là hehe, il m'a envoyé un ebook (en anglais par contre) d'un gars qui prétend deviner le prochain numéro de la roulette.
J'avais un petit sourire en coin mais bon, envois-moi ton ebook, j'ai rien à perdre. Comme de fait, y a rien dans le livre qui PROUVE à 100% qu'il dit la vérité mais après toute la recherche que j'ai fait sur le subconscient, je le croyais alors j'ai suivi sa méthode.
Voici un screenshot de 2 pages de son ebook. J'ai souligné en rouge les passages importants.
En résumé, il se concentre sur un spot en particulier et en focusant sur le même endroit pendant plusieurs secondes/minutes il ne pense qu'une chose c'est de voir une ombre et de voir cette ombre former un numéro.
Un peu comme ça ici... Voyez-vous le #12 dans le cercle bleu?
Ça ressemble à la méthode que les voyantes peuvent utiliser avec leur boule de crystal. On se calme et notre cerveau passe en phase Alpha et ensuite Theta qui est la phase du cerveau selon Sygmund Freud où on communique avec notre subconscient.
Selon ma gang de nerds (et je savais ça depuis longtemps aussi), c'est au niveau du subconscient que les prémonitions sont reçus. Si vous avez été au casino et que pour une raison X vous étiez certain que le prochain numéro allait être le 25 par exemple et que comme de fait c'est le 25 qui tombe, alors vous avez puisez dans votre subconscient. La question maintenant est de savoir d'où ça venait cette prémonition et tenter d'aller en chercher d'autres et ce ebook parle de ça.
La méthode dans le ebook est justement de se calmer au max puis de tenter de voir une ombre se former puis de voir un numéro apparaitre dans cette ombre aussi bizarre et aussi simple que cela puisse paraitre.
Bref méthode completement folle ou non, c'est la méthode la plus proche de ce que je cherchais pour aller puisez dans mon cerveau ce qu'il semble déjà connaitre quand je mise.
Si vous voulez le ebook, PM moi et je vais vous l'envoyez, ça va vous sauvez un $20.
Moi je continu mes test de "Madame Minou" et je m'en vais m'acheter une boule de crystal et un pendule hehe
How Did You Know?
Volume One
Written by ~Spin~
Las Vegas - 2007
I was quietly sitting at the corner of a roulette table, betting occasionally. But not the normal type of bet you would see at a roulette table. The bet I was making would look as if I was betting the last ten dollars in the whole world, just hoping to hit. This isn’t the case either. I have money, and I have chips in front of me. So why only one number? Because I knew what number was coming. It was the number fourteen, clear as day.
“How?”, you ask? We’ll get to that later.Anyways, the gentleman to the left of me was betting standard. He spread out eighty dollars worth of chips on a wide variety of spots, lines, and corners. He also had a ten dollar bet on black, and a fifteen dollar bet on 1st.12. The man’s friend walked up quickly; a drink in his hand, a smile on his face. He wanted to get in on the action before the ball was spun, but he realized all he had was a hundred dollar chip. The action was about to begin, so he looked at the table and without thinking placed his hundred dollar chip on top of my ten dollar stack, which was on the number fourteen.
The ball was spun. The two gentlemen became quiet. The ball descended; bouncing every which way, rolling in and out of various numbers, slowing down to land (quite nicely) on number fourteen. The gentleman to my left, even though he had just lost one hundred five dollars, became unhinged. Screaming and yelling at his friend he asked “How did you know? How did you know?
How did you know?” His friend became puzzled.
He looked off into space and scratched his head curiously. He wondered why he chose the number fourteen and, still in shock, wondered if he really was three thousand five hundred dollars richer.
With all the commotion, no one really noticed I had made three hundred fifty dollars on that very
same roll, or that I had a bunch of chips in front of me and still only bet one number. My lips curled into a faint smile as I announced to the dealer that I was cashing out.
In this book I will be sharing some of my stories about my roulette experiences; what I am doing, how it is done, and where I learned the knowledge and techniques that helped me achieve this. This is not a magic trick. It is the real deal.
The videos that you see on my website are all real.
I do actually know the number first, spin the ball
on a normal roulette wheel, and hit the number.
Can anyone do this? Yes, the man who won three
thousand five hundred dollars off number fourteen
did it. He was just unaware of what happened.
Anyone can do this, even you.
Chapter One
Stay Calm
I will be referring to this chapter the entire
book. In order to know the future you must be
calm. In order to have success in the casino and
win money by knowing the future, you must
remain calm. Why is this? Simply put, if you let
your emotions get the best of you, you will not do
this correctly and you will choose the wrong
future. I repeat, you will choose the wrong future.
It is vital that you remain calm, cool, and
First of all, I would like to talk about roulette
as “The Game.” The wheel is basically a random
number generator. The numbers zero, double zero,
and one through thirty-six are mixed up and
spread out on a wheel. The wheel is spun one
direction and the ball is thrust the other direction.
It bounces, spins, and rolls around until it finds a
Diagram A
Diagram B
home in one of these numbered slots. (See diagram
The field is where you bet money. It is usually
on green felt with a grid pattern that has zero, and
double zero on the top (European roulette only has
zero on the top.) The grid then continues with one
through thirty-six in order. (See diagram B) I am
not going to talk about out of field play (redblack,
odd-even, or 1st-12 etc) because knowing
and hitting the exact number is what this book is
Now, as you can see in diagram B, the numbers
on the field are all in order. If you are playing at
the casino, you bet money on number five and it
lands in number six. The dealer may say “Oh, you
were so close.” If they say this he or she either
doesn’t know what they are talking about, or they
are flat out lying to you.
If you notice in the diagram of the wheel,
number six and number five are on completely
opposite sides of the wheel. The numbers on the
wheel are mixed, and the misconception is that the
numbers on the wheel are in order just like in the
So, for example, if you bet number eight and
the ball landed in number twelve or nineteen, you
would be really close because twelve and nineteen
are right next to number eight on the wheel.
The other misconception is the size of the ball.
The casino has different sizes of white balls that
they use in roulette. This is a tool that’s sole
purpose is to distract you. The size of the ball does
not matter. I repeat, it does not matter! They use
this to make the players feel they are luckier with a
certain size. The only thing that matters is that you
are calm and in control of your future.
The other major misconception is that you
have to bet every single roll. If you have chips on
the table and you don’t want to bet that roll, you
don’t have too. Remember, it’s your money. Only
bet when you are sure. If you have to bet every
roll, and you are spreading your money out
everywhere, you’re gambling. You will lose your
money. Every time.
The last misconception that I will mention here
is what happens when you win consistently at
roulette. Does the casino send big guys named
Louie the Knife and No-Nose Freddy to kill you
and bury you in some desert hole? No, that would
be really bad business. There are plenty of people
out there willing to gamble their money away.
Misconceptions and fears that people hold in their
minds keep them from doing the miraculous. It
keeps them from seeing the future.
One of the most prominent things I hear when I
show people that I can see the future of roulette
numbers is “Aren’t you afraid of how the casinos
might react to this?” This is a fear brought upon by
urban legend, and Hollywood. Believe me, the
casino you go to will use this against you. They’re
not going to kill you, they just play upon your fear.
In order to know the future correctly, you must
disregard all of these misconceptions. You can
shed fear and believe in yourself. This is vitally
important. Stay calm.
Chapter Two
Your Already Existing Ability
What ability? Where is it? I can’t see it!
You are about to take a test. All it requires is
your memory and a simple question.
The question is, “In your entire life, have you
ever known or witnessed someone knowing
something that hasn’t happened yet?” I’m not
talking about a magician. I’m talking about you or
someone close to you. If you really search your
memory I’m sure you’ll find such an occasion. It’s
probably something you barely even remember
because you dismissed it as luck or just
coincidence. You probably didn’t even tell
Believe me, I know. When I showed my mom
that I could see the future. Her first reaction was
“That’s great! Do you have a girlfriend yet?” (No
disrespect to my mom, she is an incredible woman)
We live in a world that doesn’t support this idea,
but you have choices. You can stand up in your
own life and see the future no one else sees.
More misconceptions.
If you see the future something bad will
happen to you or your family. We have Hollywood
to thank for that.
If you know the future you are a witch or
wizard. You’re damned to hell and you should be
put to death immediately. We have the church to
thank for that.
We can also thank New Age groups for
destroying views on future sight by their use of
crystals and old tea. Gimme’ a break, it’s old tea.
Last, and maybe least, we have the magicians,
mentalists, etc, whose acts have become quite
good, but acts nonetheless. This creates skepticism
about anyone doing anything miraculous or
remarkable. So if you really can see the future or
you can move objects with you mind, nobody
believes you. They say they have seen that trick
before. So magicians, congratulations to you, for
putting a kink in human evolution.
If you can get past all that petty crap you’re on
your way to freedom. Everyone already has the
ability to see the future in their brain!
Your brain is a receiver and can process future
thought. That’s why, in your whole life, there was
at least one time when you knew something would
happen that hadn’t happened yet. If you haven’t
had that experience yet, you will, because it’s
normal, not paranormal. It’s natural! It is an innate
ability that can be developed into a remarkable
As far as Hollywood, big business, New Age
groups, the church especially, and oh yeah,
magicians are concerned, I’ll be coming out with a
new book. Pop-up pictures and huge letters, so it’s
easier to understand.
Have I had any training with my already
existing ability? Yes. I trained at Ramtha’s School
of Enlightenment. You can find it on the web at
"" Ramtha’s school is not a New
Age school, if it were I wouldn't go there. It's a
school of the mind. An actual school where you
learn how to do the miraculous! (Not Fantasy
Island) Think of it this way. Remember the videos
you saw on my site? You can learn how to do
things like that and greater at Ramtha’s school.
Bitchin’ huh? The school is open to anyone who
wants to learn and they have beginning classes you
can sign up for. If this turns you on you should
check it out.
So back to your already existing ability. Just
know that it is in you and it’s working all the time.
You just have to learn to listen to a deeper part of
yourself. Human beings are amazing in this way.
Once they know it can be done, they go for it and
they achieve.
Chapter Three
Vacation Time
Wouldn’t it be nice to go on vacation to Las
Vegas and pay for the trip while your there, or to
be able to make a few extra dollars on online
You can see the future online just as well as
off. It’s just a random number generator program,
if you know a few minutes into the future it’s the
same thing.
I was in Caesar’s Place, Las Vegas, on a
weekday about 6pm. I had been walking all day,
stopping by the occasional roulette wheel, just
seeing what could be seen. When I found myself in
a huge sport’s betting section of the casino.
Long story short, they had huge comfortable
chairs in that section. I wanted to play roulette but
I was far to tired to make any attempts at seeing
the future correctly. So I curled up in one of the
chairs and thought to myself I’ll just close my eyes
for a minute.
Probably fifteen to twenty minutes later my
body shook me awake. I sprung out of the chair
and, a little disoriented, I walked over to the first
roulette table I could see. I reached in my pocket,
grabbed a ten dollar bill, and asked for ten one
dollar chips.
I looked at the table and knew number twentyseven
was coming. I put three dollars on number
twenty-seven, it hit and I made one hundred five
dollars. I looked down at the table again and saw
number thirty-six. I put ten dollars on it. They
rolled the ball and thirty-six hit. I made three
hundred fifty dollars. I announced I would be
cashing out and the amazed dealer obliged.
Onlookers that had been playing awhile had
curiously stunned looks on their faces as I left the
table. I had turned ten dollars into four hundred
sixty dollars in a matter of moments, because I
knew the future that was coming.
Now whether you believe this or not is
irrelevant. It’s a true story, and stories like that
one are an everyday occurrence in my life. What
I’m saying is that this can be an everyday
occurrence in your life too. Wouldn’t that be cool?
(I know I have been saying “I saw the number”.
I’ll get more into that after a few more examples.)
A sunny afternoon, not too hot. I walked into
the local casino ready to see the future that is
readily available for anyone to view. Think of it
this way. The world is like the internet. All the
world, all reality in all time is flowing into your
computer (Your brain). To view the future, all you
need to do is type in the correct address,
“” and you get to
see it. I repeat, you get to see it. Moving on. I
walked up to the roulette table, bought in and
proceeded to scan time. What I am doing is
“typing in the address”.
I could see number four coming soon to a
future near this roulette wheel. So I placed money
on number four. The dealer was fairly new and
inexperienced. His first attempt at rolling the ball
failed. The ball spun out, rolling across the table
and hitting a stack of chips. He yelled out to the
casino floor manager “Ball out!” The manager
comes over to the table and inspects the ball. He
then authorizes a new ball to be put into play. The
dealer spins the ball out again, a weak spin that
doesn’t even make a full revolution around the
wheel and thus cries out “No spin!” That means
the ball has not made enough revolutions around
the wheel to be a legal spin. It has to go around at
least three times for it to be a legal spin in the
This went on six more times, each time calling
to the floor manager. The people betting at the
table were grumbling and groaning. It looked like
the casino dealer was very embarrassed and could
run out of the casino in shame, but he managed to
pull himself together for his ninth attempt at
rolling the ball.
The ball makes the full three revolutions
bouncing and spinning into number four. I tell the
dealer “Thank you, cash me out please.” The
amazing thing about that was that I saw through all
the misdeals and all the emotion at the table
because I “typed in the right address.”
In another occasion a friend of mine was with
me. I told her I saw number eight, and she didn’t
even hesitate as she put money down on number
eight. She had already seen me see the future
before. But before the ball was spun, the number
changed and I saw it would be number seven. I
told her and she quickly reached down to move
her chips to number seven, but she did not move
all of them. Like I said, she had seen me see the
future before so she still believed in number eight.
The ball was spun and it rolled into number seven.
She then said to me “When you said take your
money and put it on seven I knew it was gonna be
seven but I thought ‘What if it’s number eight?’”
Now, she made money, but she could have made
more if she trusted herself more in that moment.
Everyone can know the future. Everyone. You
just need to know it’s possible. She knew number
seven was correct. There is another part to who
you are. It’s the part that keeps your heart beating
at night, that part of you that just knows. It knows
the future, and it is always correct.
There have been moments at the casino when
four of my friends are betting with me, and two
more come in that know me and what I do. They're
always kind enough to conceal who I am. So when
I say casually "Number eight is coming", everyone
reaches for chips. The entire field is empty except
for number eight. It has a stack of chips on it that
look like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The ball
spins. Everyone watches as it bounces back and
forth and lands ever so nicely in number eight. The
table goes wild. The pit boss, a little stunned, says
"Wow, 'em!" It takes fifteen
minutes to pay everyone out. What a fine
Learn to listen to your inner voice. The future
can be seen even on vacation.
Chapter Four
What is seen?
I am not a writer, as I’m sure you can tell. I see
the future and I’m telling you true accounts of my
life without exaggerated details. That’s why this
book is short, to the point, and not filled with
pointless pages of dribble. The future can be seen,
it’s not fiction, it’s fact. Rewatch the videos. This
book is real life. The year is 2007. The month is
The first time I went to the casino with my
newly formed ability I simply observed at the
roulette table and didn’t play. A really cool thing
happened. Keep an open mind. I looked with my
eyes open at the roulette table. A shadow started to
appear on the green felt. A one and a seven, clear
as day. I knew number seventeen was coming. A
man playing had money on number seventeen.
They rolled it...seventeen. I saw the number as if I
read it in a book, it was that clear.
The future casts a shadow. It’s all around you,
everywhere, all the time. All you have to do is
remain open, calm, and clear enough to see it, and
then, you have to act on it.
Believe me I know you can become so tranced
out on the shadow you forget to act on the future
that is coming. Then it passes you by and you say “
I knew it!” and you ask yourself “Why didn’t I do
anything?” Because you were still looking at it’s
future, and didn’t pull back in time to act.
Lets talk about that for a minute. How many
times have you said “ I knew it!” after something
happened? How did you know it, and why? Your
brain picks up and processes future thought
instantaneously and just for that moment you were
tuned in. You were stunned. You were probably
calm in the moment with a feeling of contentment
and clarity about you, not feeling distracted in any
way. Then when the time was right you picked up
on the information. A voice in your head told you
something. Then you just passed it off as a random
thought in your head. You then went back to
whatever you were doing. Then suddenly, what
you had just thought happened, and you said “I
knew it!” Seeing the future is that simple. Why
does the human brain process future thought? The
answer is simple. Evolution.
In our society you tend to hear the phrase
“You never know.” I hear people say that all the
time. It’s become a common way to think. Well, as
one who can see the future, and is one hundred
percent certain that anyone can know and see the
future, “You never know” is the most ignorant
thing you could ever say. Basically your saying to
an evolving person “Hello, I’m stupid.” Because,
in truth, your brain always knows. Even if you
Doesn’t this make sense? Aren’t you glad
seeing the future is so simple? That you don’t have
to sit around breathing incense while chanting?
That you don’t have to sit and watch which way a
pendulum is swinging, or if your dowsing rod is
moving. What a relief. I’m glad evolution in this
universe isn’t that lame. You’re already equipped
to see the future, you don’t need a pendulum or
any external devices. You just need to stay calm
and be in the moment. Allow yourself to see and
know the future. Anytime, anyplace, and
So back to what is seen. Most commonly,
when you first start out with this, there is a sense,
like a flash, a knowing of what number will be.
That happens very quickly in your mind. What you
need to do is start knowing the difference between
this flash (actual knowingness) and thinking, which
is just another word for guessing. If you think or
guess you will always miss. Always. You have to
know the subtle but distinguishable difference
between the two. It takes practice. You have to
experience the difference for yourself.
The better you become at this, something
amazing and wonderful happens. A shadow of the
number will begin to appear where you are
looking during the time of focus. For me, I look
off to the side of the roulette field where there is a
blank spot on the felt. It doesn’t matter what color
the felt is. I say a blank spot because it helps if
there is no distraction. I focus on the next roll and
allow a number to form. I see it with my eyes
open. Not blurred. Just looking. This is a natural
effect of knowing the future. When a number
forms and it is clear, that’s when I put my money
on it. This is something that takes practice and
patience. If you are the kind of person that would
give up on something after two hours of practice
because it didn’t happen right away, this isn’t for
you. Do something else, be happy doing it. If you
love a challenge, your strong-minded, and you love
a hint of mystery and adventure, this is for you.
You can achieve this.
What does achieving this mean? Freedom. In
one word it means freedom! You would be able to
make money whenever you want and as much or as
little as you want. You wouldn’t have to be
dependent on anyone or anything. You would be
your own island. Just imagine, if you can know the
future of any roulette number what’s to stop you
from transferring that ability to anything else in
your life. The future of the stock market, sports,
gaming, love, whatever you want. It would be up
to you. Freedom!
Now these things bring up questions Believe
me, I know. I am not the first with this ability.
Sometimes people hide the truth in children’s
stories and fiction books. Look for Henry Sugar
and find out about the true master of this art.
What is seen is that human beings must evolve.
It’s just the way of things. People with abilities
may be strange at first, but will become ordinary
in the future.
Chapter Five
Getting Started
The first part of getting started is simply that
you know it’s possible. Seeing the future has
already been achieved, maybe not by you, yet.
Nevertheless it has been achieved. Think of it this
way. Someone has already ridden a bike. It’s up to
you to watch and learn how that bike is ridden. So
that way, you can ride it too. If you think of seeing
the future this way, it makes it more down to earth
and anyone can do it (not just the special, which is
another misconception). “Psychic” is a word and
just a word. That word means that they can ride a
bike, and you can too, but they really don’t want
you to know that, because if everyone can know
the future, then they’re not special anymore. That’s
what the word psychic means. Take your power
back. Never listen to “psychics” again. Never!
You are the master of your life!
Ok, I don’t appreciate psychics, religion,
magicians (Even though I love magic) spiritualists
and new age groups. You know why? They leave
you out. The only thing they want from you is your
attention , because without your attention they
have nothing. They don’t empower you. They only
empower themselves.
The ordinary men and women that make up the
world. The people that work everyday. The people
that are considered ordinary are powerful. What
I’m saying, being an ordinary man myself, is that
ordinary people have extraordinary abilities. They
are just dormant because people don’t know about
them. They are innate. That means you were born
with it. You have the ability to see the future. No
exceptions. That’s just the way it is.
How can I be so sure? Because I went from
being a lowly construction worker, to being able
to see the future at will. I’m not special, I’m
average. A little odd, sure, but average. So through
experience I have learned we all possess the ability
to see the future and more.
I was in the casino just the other night. There
was a man at the table betting “standard”.
Remember, that means a lot of money all over the
table. The ball kept landing in numbers he didn’t
have money on. I looked at the table and a shadow
of number nineteen appeared. I put money on
nineteen. He had money all over the place. As I
watched him bet he grabbed a handful of chips and
his hand paused over number nineteen. The pause
lasted at least six seconds. Then at the last moment
he chose another number instead of nineteen. I
watched all of this. Number nineteen hit.
I won, which was great, but I really got to see
this man know, then choose a different future for
himself. His hand paused over the correct number.
His inner voice was trying to communicate with
him as it always does. He just wasn’t listening.
You know what he said after nineteen hit? “I knew
it” and with a deep sigh he left the table.
This happens to people all the time. The
explanation is simple. Inside, you always know the
future. You just have to choose to listen.
So, getting on with getting started. Anyone can
know the future of a roulette number. In this part
of the book I’ll set you up with a starting focus
If you have a practice roulette wheel at home,
that’s great. If not, there’s many to choose from
out there, from very cheap to very expensive. It
doesn’t matter what style wheel you have, and if
you don’t want to buy a practice wheel you don’t
have to. I’ll set you up with a practice that you can
start right now. All it requires is things you most
likely have around the house.
If you don’t have a wheel you’ll need paper,
pencil or pen, scissors, and a paper bag. What you
need to do is cut out 38 squares of paper the same
size and shape. Then number each piece 1-36, 0,
and 00. Put all the pieces in the bag and you’re
ready to go.
Find a comfortable position to sit in. Make
sure you have your wheel or bag ready. You need
to relax your body and mind, and turn all of your
attention onto what number is coming. You’re
asking the question in your mind. Think of this and
only this in your mind. If your mind drifts onto
what you had for breakfast, you need to pause and
bring your mind back to the question. You will
immediately get information as to what the next
number will be. Allow yourself to know, to hear
your inner voice. There is a difference between
this voice and a thinking voice. It’s subtle, but it’s
When you have chosen the number, roll the
ball, or shake the bag you made for about twenty
seconds. Then reach into the bag and grab a
number or see where the ball lands. After seeing
the results repeat the same process when you want
to do it again. Make sure you return the piece of
paper back to the bag before you start your
process again.
Attempt to be very patient and open minded
while you do this. Remember, this has already
been done. I learned how to ride a bike, now you
can too. You will have hits and misses. More hits
one day than another. This all normal growth. You
may practice for an hour and not get anything. It’s
easy to become frustrated and give up. Don’t take
the easy path, don’t give up. That’s very
important. I know this can be done, and I know
anyone can do it. I’m one hundred percent sure. If
you’re worried that using a bag full of numbers
isn’t the same as a real roulette wheel, don’t. I
started out the very same way. You are just
creating a random number generator, and it will
translate very easily to a real roulette wheel. If you
would like to buy a wheel and get started that way,
cool. It’s up to you.
Now remember, the information you receive
on the number will increase the more you do this.
Basically that means the more you practice the
better you get. Just like everything else. The
information on the number will be more, the voice
will be louder, and you will become sure about
knowing the future. This is natural evolution.
Nothing to be scared of.
Focusing for long periods of time on numbers
may also affect your dreams at night, and you
might even get a sense of clarity during the day to
where you start to see things a little different.
Natural evolution. Nothing to be scared of. You’re
just becoming more aware
Chapter Six
No Foolin’
So, by now, your either saying “This guy is full
of shit” or “Cool, can’t wait to try this myself”
Either way, the future is out there, constantly
growing, constantly changing, and constantly
collapsing into the present. Every human brain
will keep knowing and recording the future. Every
human brain will see the future collapse into
reality as a present moment, and it will always try
to get you to see it by giving you dreams,
impressions and gut feelings. It will continue until
you see that the future can be seen, before it
happens. That’s just the way it is. I am one
hundred percent sure.
How can I be so sure? The answer is simply
vast experience. I’ve been seeing the future of
numbers for years now. It’s quite common to me.
I was walking through the parking lot on my
way to the casino when, on the side of the
building, a huge shadow formed into the number
eight. I walked in, sat down at the roulette table,
and looked off to the side of the felt. A shadow of
a five appeared. I was just about to bet five when I
thought “What about number eight?”, “What did
the eight mean on the side of the building?” I bet
on number eight, it hit. Then immediately after, I
bet number five, it hit too. I had seen not only the
future of the first roll, but the second roll too.
Another time, (different casino, same focus) a
man walked up to the table, and cashed in one
hundred fifty dollars into blue roulette chips. He
spread them out in the field, no corners or lines, no
red or black, just numbers. I looked at him, and
immediately I started receiving information. It
looked like a haze or mist surrounding him. I
could read that he was not going to hit any of his
I was sitting at the far end of the table and had
green colored roulette chips in front of me. After
looking at this guy I knew the ball wasn’t going to
land in any spot that this man had money on. So I
could have, very easily, put money on just the
empty spots on the table. It would have been a sure
success, but that wasn’t the exactness I was
looking for. So I focused more. A shadow of the
number three appeared.
I look at the table and sure enough, number
three is empty. There are only five empty spots to
begin with. I take a handful of green chips and
place them on the number three. The dealer spins
the ball and it hits number three.
The man became a little upset, he was smoking a
cigarette and curiously looking at me. He would
look from the table, to me, then back to the table.
You could see he was trying to work out what just
happened in his mind. Calculating the odds. He
was probably thinking “I can’t believe it, I bet the
whole table except for a few spots and it lands
where I don’t have any money. And who is this
guy who bets one spot and wins” He walked away
Now, some of you reading this may be asking
yourselves “Why didn’t you tell that guy what
number was going to hit?” Let me ask you a
question. Do you think he would have believed
me? Do you believe me right now, or do you think
that this is just some made up story to fool you?
What do you believe?
There is a difference between believing and
knowing. Another question. If you were to ride a
bike a thousand time successfully, would you say “
I believe I can ride a bike.” or would you say “I
know I can ride a bike.”
When you know, there is no believing, only
knowing. You do that by proving it to yourself.
Proving to yourself that you can know the future.
Through experience. Through practical application
of future thought.
Have I ever told people around me what was
going to happen? Yes. I have stated aloud to the
dealer what number would hit next. Then it did.
I’ve had security called on me for hitting to many
numbers in a row. They all stand around me when
I bet, looking at every move I make, trying to
figure it out.
People don’t react the way you would think
when you tell them the future and then it happens.
It makes some people uncomfortable.
I have demonstrated this ability to many
people. Some get excited, some can’t believe it,
and some just have to leave.
Is seeing the future possible? Can anyone do
it? Does it change you as a person? Does it take
practice? Can you apply it to other things?
The answer, is yes.
I hope you have enjoyed volume one of “How
Did You Know?” There is more to come. This is
real life, real events. Its not all wrapped up neat
and tidy like some two hour motion picture from
Hollywood. It’s life, messy and to the point. I
hope we have unlocked some of your potential for
you, and that you might consider that the future is
not so uncertain. You can be greater than you ever
would have imagined.
Now I must end this book by saying Spin-Geek
is not responsible for you in any way, shape or
form. Your financial situation is your own. If you
decide to run to the casino and loose your life
savings, that’s your choice. Remember, this takes
practice, and there is good help available for
gamblers out of control. Call Gamblers
Anonymous. Get better! Be smart. If your going to
attempt this, my advice to you is to practice.
Develop consistency. When you start doing this at
the casino, play with what you can afford, and
don’t bet until you’re sure. It’s your money.
Take a deep breath and stay calm.
Thanks for playing
Thank You Friends
~Ramtha’s School and Students
~Mom and Dad
~Brothers and Sisters
To Hell with Enemies
May You Burn in the Fires of Mt. Doom
Ah ben bravo. Je vois que je suis pas le seul à avoir le ebook en question.
Alors t'en pense quoi de ça toi?
Bon je te connais bien et je suis pas mal certain de connaitre ta réponse mais on sait jamais.
Alors t'en pense quoi de ça toi?
c'est un roman à 10 sous. ça manque d'intrigues, on est loin de Steph. King
Alors t'en pense quoi de ça toi?
c'est un roman à 10 sous. ça manque d'intrigues, on est loin de Steph. King
Ah ça, on est dac. On le savait dès le début que c'est le doc qui tue tout le monde.
Si tu me demande "How did you know" c'est simple, j'ai vu "l'ombre" du docteur au début
C'est reparti. Je vois encore une fois le #13, je spin, et oui, le #13 qui sort. Hehe.
Bon ok j'en ai raté plusieurs par la suite et le gars disait qu'on peut passer des heures sans en avoir un seul au début mais je vais continuer de pratiquer et je vous en donne des news.
Pour ceux qui n'ont pas de roulette à la maison, il conseille de découper 38 petits carrés blancs de même taille et d'écrire de 1 à 36 puis le 0 et 00 et de mettre les carrés dans un sac, les mélanger pendant 20 secondes puis de piger dans le sac un numéro, une fois que vous aurez vu un chiffre apparaitre sur votre tapis.
C'est bizarre mais à date je suis gagnant même si je débute avec cette méthode. J'en ai callé 4 bons et je suis même pas rendu à mon 25e spin.
On garde la tête froide et on continue les tests.
Merlin, tu devrais jouer au Keno au Casino de Montreal. Si tu guess 20 numéros out of 80 et qu'aucun ne sort dans le tirage suivant alors tu gagnes 500$. Le Casino tire 20 numéros par tirage parmi 80. Ça semble facile de deviner 20 numéros qui ne sortirons pas mais dans les faits y en a toujours 5 ou 6 qui se retrouvent dans notre sélection.
Merlin, tu devrais jouer au Keno au Casino de Montreal. Si tu guess 20 numéros out of 80 et qu'aucun ne sort dans le tirage suivant alors tu gagnes 500$.
Si le systeme marche, je vais débuter par la Quotidienne à 4 chiffre. Ça paye $5,000. Et bien sur la 6/49.
Après tout, si j'arrive à voir le #32 sur le tapis ça fait 2 chiffres sur 4 de trouvé non hehe.
C'est p-e pour ça que j'ai toujours été attiré par le nickname MERLIN. Je suis p-e un "Monsieur Minou" moi aussi sans le savoir hehe. $5 par tirage de tarot svp, faites une ligne sans vous bousculer svp, merci
ça fait 2 chiffres sur 4 de trouvé
putain ! les gars j'viens d'en voir trois d'un coup , ne les laisser pas s'échapper.
Merlin tu n'aurais pas un ancêtre qui pourrait te chuchoter les numéros suivants par transcommunication instrumentale
ça fait 2 chiffres sur 4 de trouvé
putain ! les gars j'viens d'en voir trois d'un coup , ne les laisser pas s'échapper.
Si je comprend bien, dans le dernier carré en bas à droite on devrait rien voir sauf si on est daltonien? C'est ça hein Joe, Joe c'est ça hein?
Merlin j'essaie de me concentrer s'il te plait
Merlin tu n'aurais pas un ancêtre qui pourrait te chuchoter les numéros suivants par transcommunication instrumentale
Tu vas rire mais j'ai une amie qui est "right brainer" (côté intuitif du cerveau) et qui vois nos guides spitiruels derriere nous. On jouait au Baccarat et un guide est apparu et elle le nommait Mister TIE car il lui disait de miser le Tie qui paye 8 pour 1.
On joue et elle me dis MISE LE TIE, je le mise et PAF! le Tie sort!! Le sabot se termine mais elle me dit, c'est pas grave le prochaine sabot va débuter avec un Tie aussi. Ah bon!
Le croupier brasse les cartes, la partie recommence avec.. un TIE!! Oh la, c'est un peu trop pour ma tête de left brainer ça là qui s'amusait à calculer les odds sur le fait de caller 2 Tie en ligne et là ell part à rire en me disant que le Tie va sortit à nouveau. Là je lui dit qu'elle est folle que 2 Tie en ligne c'est assez rare et encore moins en débutant un sabot et PAF!... un 2e Tie de suite.
Bien sur on va au casino de MTL le lendemain pour tester tout ça hehe on a fait $1,600 en jouant une heure car on voulais pas faire capoter les croupiers en misant une fois de temps en temps le Tie et toujours tomber dessus donc après 2 Tie, on a quitté le casino. Belle gaffe car le Mister Tie a décidé de prendre des vacances et de jamais revenir. Depuis ce temps là on l'appelle Mister STIE comme dans Ostie si vous voyez ce que je veux dire.
Et oui, tout ça est vrai, c'est fou ce qui ce passe quand on a une right brainer comme amie. C'est comme dans un film d'Hollywood mais en vrai.
J'ai envoyé le ebook a 2 right brainers et on verra bien ce qu'ils vont avoir comme success. Si eux ne vois rien alors le ebook est dead. C'est un genre de test pour savoir si nous les left brainers on a une chance.
ces boules de keno, elles ne veulent rien dévoiler encore