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En provenance du site de Victor...

Hi all,

I happened to see that someone had posted statistics from a multimillion spins investigation on "another" board.

Because I like you people here so much, I post these tables so that you don't have to do the same kind of boring and time-consuming tests again, just because your amount of spins isn't 12M...

And NO; I didn't run some thousands of billions of spins to get to these figures: [b]I used my calculator[/b] ;D
Very simple.

[i]Please [b]compare[/b] these figures to tests that you have seen or done![/i]

(The "50/50" values are true 50% chance - like coin-tossing)

[size=12pt][i][b]SINGLE ZERO TABLES[/b][/i][/size]

[b]How many trials do we need, MATHEMATICALLY AND IN AVERAGE, to find a sequence of AT LEAST length X?[/b]

[tt]X                    50/50             "Even"              Cl/Dz             DblStr
    2:                   3                  3                  8                 37
    3:                   7                  7                 28                233
    4:                  15                 16                 89              1,445
    5:                  31                 35                277              8,916
    6:                  63                 74                858             54,991
    7:                 127                154              2,648            339,118
    8:                 255                317              8,167          2,091,238
    9:                 511                654             25,186         [b]12,895,976[/b]
   10:               1,023              1,345             77,660         79,525,192
   11:               2,047              2,767            239,454        490,405,361
   12:               4,095              5,689            738,320      3,024,166,401
   13:               8,191             11,696          2,276,491     18,649,026,147
   14:              16,383             24,043          [b]7,019,184[/b]    115,002,327,911
   15:              32,767             49,423         [b]21,642,486[/b]    709,181,022,129
   16:              65,535            101,592         66,731,001  4,373,282,969,801
   17:             131,071            208,830        205,753,922                   
   18:             262,143            429,264        634,407,931                   
   19:             524,287            882,377      1,956,091,122                   
   20:           1,048,575          1,813,778      6,031,280,963                   
   21:           2,097,151          3,728,322     18,596,449,640                   
   22:           4,194,303          [b]7,663,775[/b]     57,339,053,061                   
   23:           [b]8,388,607[/b]         [b]15,753,316[/b]    176,795,413,608                   
   24:          [b]16,777,215[/b]         32,381,819    545,119,191,962                   
   25:          33,554,431         66,562,629  1,680,784,175,221                   
   26:          67,108,863        136,823,183  5,182,417,873,600                   
   27:         134,217,727        281,247,655                                      
   28:         268,435,455        578,120,181                                      
   29:         536,870,911      1,188,358,151                                      
   30:       1,073,741,823      2,442,736,201                                      

[b]How many trials do we need, MATHEMATICALLY AND IN AVERAGE, to find a sequence of AT LEAST length X?[/b]

[tt]X                   Corner             SngStr              Split             Single
    2:                  84                151                341              1,368
    3:                 790              1,875              6,330             50,652
    4:               7,319             23,136            117,134          [b]1,874,160[/b]
    5:              67,717            285,365          [b]2,166,997[/b]         [b]69,343,956[/b]
    6:             626,397          [b]3,519,513[/b]         [b]40,089,474[/b]      2,565,726,408
    7:           [b]5,794,180[/b]         [b]43,407,350[/b]        741,655,289     94,931,877,132
    8:          [b]53,596,182[/b]        535,357,330     13,720,622,865  3,512,479,453,920
    9:         495,764,692      6,602,740,424    253,831,523,036                   
   10:       4,585,823,413     81,433,798,580  4,695,883,176,188                   
   11:      42,418,866,580  1,004,350,182,499                                      
   12:     392,374,515,880                                                         
   13:   3,629,464,271,903                                                         

... and the opposite:

[b]How long sequences can we expect, MATHEMATICALLY AND IN AVERAGE, in X trials?[/b]

[tt]X        50/50   "Even"    Cl/Dz   DblStr   Corner   SngStr    Split   Single
1,000        9        9        6        3        3        2        2        1
5,000       12       11        7        4        3        3        2        2
  10K       13       12        8        5        4        3        3        2
  50K       15       15        9        5        4        4        3        2
 100K       16       15       10        6        5        4        3        3
 500K       18       18       11        7        5        5        4        3
   1M       19       19       12        7        6        5        4        3
   5M       22       21       13        8        6        6        5        4
  10M       23       22       14        8        7        6        5        4
  [b]12M       23       22       14        8        7        6        5        4[/b]
  15M       23       22       14        9        7        6        5        4
  20M       24       23       14        9        7        6        5        4
  25M       24       23       15        9        7        6        5        4
  50M       25       24       15        9        7        7        6        4
 100M       26       25       16       10        8        7        6        5
1000M       29       28       18       11        9        8        7        5

[size=12pt][i][b]DOUBLE ZERO TABLES[/b][/i][/size]

[b]How many trials do we need, MATHEMATICALLY AND IN AVERAGE, to find a sequence of AT LEAST length X?[/b]

[tt]X                    50/50            "Even"               Cl/Dz             DblStr
    2:                   3                  3                  9                 39
    3:                   7                  8                 30                253
    4:                  15                 18                 99              1,607
    5:                  31                 40                317             10,188
    6:                  63                 87              1,007             64,533
    7:                 127                185              3,192            408,719
    8:                 255                393             10,110          2,588,562
    9:                 511                831             32,018         16,394,232
   10:               1,023              1,757            101,395        103,830,144
   11:               2,047              3,711            321,088        657,590,920
   12:               4,095              7,835          1,016,781      4,164,742,499
   13:               8,191             16,543          3,219,811     26,376,702,500
   14:              16,383             34,925         10,196,071    167,052,449,175
   15:              32,767             73,732         32,287,561  1,057,998,844,780
   16:              65,535            155,659        102,243,946  6,700,659,350,280
   17:             131,071            328,614        323,772,499                   
   18:             262,143            693,743      1,025,279,584                   
   19:             524,287          1,464,571      3,246,718,687                   
   20:           1,048,575          3,091,873     10,281,275,844                   
   21:           2,097,151          6,527,289     32,557,373,510                   
   22:           4,194,303         13,779,833    103,098,349,450                   
   23:           8,388,607         29,090,761    326,478,106,596                   
   24:          16,777,215         61,413,830  1,033,847,337,557                   
   25:          33,554,431        129,651,422  3,273,849,902,267                   
   26:          67,108,863        273,708,558                                      
   27:         134,217,727        577,829,180                                      
   28:         268,435,455      1,219,861,604                                      
   29:         536,870,911      2,575,263,388                                      
   30:       1,073,741,823      5,436,667,154                                      

[b]How many trials do we need, MATHEMATICALLY AND IN AVERAGE, to find a sequence of AT LEAST length X?[/b]

[tt]X                   Corner             SngStr              Split             Single
    2:                  89                159                360              1,443
    3:                 856              2,031              6,858             54,871
    4:               8,144             25,741            130,320          2,085,135
    5:              77,377            326,069          2,476,098         79,235,167
    6:             735,090          4,130,227         47,045,880      3,010,936,383
    7:           6,983,371         52,316,223        893,871,738    114,415,582,591
    8:          66,342,042        662,672,173     16,983,563,040  4,347,792,138,495
    9:         630,249,408      8,393,847,545    322,687,697,778                   
   10:       5,987,369,391    106,322,068,924  6,131,066,257,800                   
   11:      56,880,009,226  1,346,746,206,390                                      
   12:     540,360,087,661                                                         
   13:   5,133,420,832,794                                                         

... and the opposite:

[b]How long sequences can we expect, MATHEMATICALLY AND IN AVERAGE, in X trials?[/b]

[tt]X        50/50   "Even"    Cl/Dz   DblStr   Corner   SngStr    Split   Single
1,000        9        9        5        3        3        2        2        1
5,000       12       11        7        4        3        3        2        2
  10K       13       12        7        4        4        3        3        2
  50K       15       14        9        5        4        4        3        2
 100K       16       15        9        6        5        4        3        3
 500K       18       17       11        7        5        5        4        3
   1M       19       18       11        7        6        5        4        3
   5M       22       20       13        8        6        6        5        4
  10M       23       21       13        8        7        6        5        4
  12M       23       21       14        8        7        6        5        4
  15M       23       22       14        8        7        6        5        4
  20M       24       22       14        9        7        6        5        4
  25M       24       22       14        9        7        6        5        4
  50M       25       23       15        9        7        6        6        4
 100M       26       24       15        9        8        7        6        5
1000M       29       27       17       11        9        8        7        5

If you've got a calculator... WHY spend time doing boring multimillion spins tests?
The end results are the same... Aren't they?


Eminent Member
Inscription: Il y a 16 ans
Posts: 43

Qui est ce Victor qui a l'air d'avoir un site bien connu ??
J'ai cherché mais je n'ai pas trouvé .
Merci .

Noble Member
Inscription: Il y a 17 ans
Posts: 2103

Eminent Member
Inscription: Il y a 16 ans
Posts: 43

j'avais déjà mis ce forum dans mes favoris et n'avais pas fait le lien avec Victor.
Très intéressant.
Comme je me débrouille assez bien en Anglais, j'arrive à comprendre.
Par contre, les forums allemands, c'est plus compliqué



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