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Salut à tous !

à défaut d'avoir une methode gagnante sur le long terme, quelle est pour vous la meilleur méthode à jouer ?
Une méthode simple à mettre en place, qui donne plus de chance que le casino sur le court terme ou plus si possible ^^ avec un rapport gain/perte assez interessant.

Et une autre petite chose, une montante associé a un paroli ne pourrait pas devenir interessant ? Ou encore un paroli en couvrant 24 numeros sur 37 ?

Trusted Member
Inscription: Il y a 15 ans
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Personne ?

Honorable Member
Inscription: Il y a 18 ans
Posts: 564

non ,personne ne pourra te répondre...
soit ça n'existe pas :

Une méthode simple à mettre en place, qui donne plus de chance que le casino

soit ça n'a pas de sens :

une montante associé a un paroli

un paroli c'est une montante, reformule la question ?

Trusted Member
Inscription: Il y a 15 ans
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Tant qu'a faire cites la phrase entierement avec le passage le plus important qui est : "sur le court terme"
Si tu joues 24 numeros sur 37 tu as effectivement plus de chance de gagner que le casino à court terme donc oui ca existe.

Et quand je parlais de montante c'est vrai j'ai pas précisé que je pensais à une martingale style hawks ou autre.

Noble Member
Inscription: Il y a 17 ans
Posts: 1400

Mon système préféré: Les vagues

The wave effect applied to gambling. The example in this read me section apply to straight-up numbers but the same principle is applied to Lines or double-streets in this simulator. So when you see the expression group of numbers, think group of Lines numbers (1..6 lines). There are 6 Lines numbers in all numbered 1..6. The big difference with the straight-up numbers is that i increase my bet amount for a specific Line +1 unit after a win. Also, each phase lasts 4 spins instead of 6 for the straight-up version before adding/removing a Line into the game.

To play this system you need to select a group of numbers before starting to play. In this demonstration i have used these No. 1,3,6,8.

You can select between 2..36 numbers, it's up to you. There is no waiting period, you start playing with your set of numbers as soon as you sit at the table.

This system is perfect to play Online because it is chaotic.

Consider the flow of water over a simple smooth object, such as a sphere. At very low speeds the flow is smooth. As the speed increases, at some point the transition is made to turbulent ("chaotic") flow.

I applied this principle to this new system.

You start to play with your first number, in my case this is no. 1 part of this set of numbers (1,3,6,8). When you achieve a profit > 0 you stop playing or launch a new attack using the same rules.

After six decisions, if your profit is below zero (profit < 0) then you'll add a second no. into the game for another six decisions, in this demo my second no. is 3. However, you still keep playing your previous number(s).

So again, after another six spins if your profit is still below zero you'll add a third no. into the game. You keep doing this until no more numbers can be added. Since i started with a group of 4 numbers then i can't add a fifth number, in this case when you reach this point, you just remove the first no. you started the game with (no. 1 in the demo). If after another six decisions your profit is still below zero you will remove the second no. (no. 3 in the demo) being played etc. etc. etc.

This will create a kind of wave effect that could look like this:

 1  3  6  8
-1          < start of a new game with one no.
-1 -1       < after six spins add a no.
-1 -1
-1 -1
-1 -1
-1 -1
-1 -1
-1 -1 -1    < after six spins add a no.
-1 -1 -1
-1 -1 -1
-1 -1 -1
-1 -1 -1
-1 -1 -1
-1 -1 -1 -1 < after six spins add a no.
-1 -1 -1 -1
-1 -1 -1 -1
-1 -1 -1 -1
-1 -1 -1 -1
-1 -1 -1 -1 < all no. have been added
   -1 -1 -1 < at this point you start to remove no.
   -1 -1 -1   from the left side of the wave
   -1 -1 -1
   -1 -1 -1
   -1 -1 -1
   -1 -1 -1
      -1 -1 < after six spins remove another no.
      -1 -1
      -1 -1
      -1 -1
      -1 -1
      -1 -1
         -1 < after six spins remove another no.
         -1 < after this point the wave change direction
      -1 -1 < add a no. to the left side
      -1 -1
      -1 -1
      -1 -1
      -1 -1
      -1 -1
   -1 -1 -1 < add a no. to the left side
   -1 -1 -1
   -1 -1 -1
   -1 -1 -1
   -1 -1 -1
   -1 -1 -1
-1 -1 -1 -1 < add your last no. to the left side
-1 -1 -1 -1
-1 -1 -1 -1
-1 -1 -1 -1
-1 -1 -1 -1
-1 -1 -1 -1 
-1 -1 -1    < at this point you start to remove no. 
-1 -1 -1      from the right side of the wave
-1 -1 -1
-1 -1 -1
-1 -1 -1
-1 -1 -1
-1 -1       < after six spins remove another no.
-1 -1
-1 -1
-1 -1
-1 -1
-1 -1
-1          < after six spins remove another no.
-1          < the cycle is completed, start over again
etc. ad infinitum.

All numbers are played separately from each other so i use the profit reached by a number to compute the bet amount to use for this specific number. For example, if the profit for number 3 reach -100 then i would compute the bet amount this way: bet amount = profit x 2.5% rounded-up so at -100 we get 3 for the next bet amount to use for this particular number. I do this calculus just before starting a new phase of six spins. Once a phase of six spins is started the base bet amount stays the same for the duration of this phase.

When your overall profit or total profit of all numbers reach a value greater than zero you stop this game.

When a number hit during a six spins phase, you stop betting on this no. for the duration of this particular phase only, you resume betting on this no. on the next six spins phase.

Here is a small demo using no. 1,3,6,8

(BTW, you will never reach the table limits with this system.)

      No.  1    3    6    8   Profit
  1   11  -1                     -1
  2   18  -1                     -2
  3   11  -1                     -3
  4    5  -1                     -4
  5   22  -1                     -5
  6   10  -1                     -6

  1    5  -1   -1                -8
  2   10  -1   -1               -10
  3   13  -1   -1               -12
  4   23  -1   -1               -14
  5   18  -1   -1               -16
  6   16  -1   -1               -18

  1   25  -1   -1   -1          -21
  2   20  -1   -1   -1          -24
  3   11  -1   -1   -1          -27
  4   16  -1   -1   -1          -30
  5   21  -1   -1   -1          -33
  6   11  -1   -1   -1          -36

  1   35  -1   -1   -1   -1     -40
  2    1  35   -1   -1   -1      -8
  3   17       -1   -1   -1     -11
  4   35       -1   -1   -1     -14
  5    9       -1   -1   -1     -17
  6   20       -1   -1   -1     -20

  1   31       -1   -1   -1     -23
  2   12       -1   -1   -1     -26
  3   30       -1   -1   -1     -29
  4   36       -1   -1   -1     -32
  5   10       -1   -1   -1     -35
  6    4       -1   -1   -1     -38

  1   23            -1   -1     -40
  2   11            -1   -1     -42
  3   18            -1   -1     -44
  4   11            -1   -1     -46
  5   29            -1   -1     -48
  6   30            -1   -1     -50

  1   36                 -1     -51
  2   28                 -1     -52
  3   28                 -1     -53
  4    5                 -1     -54
  5   24                 -1     -55
  6    7                 -1     -56

  1   20            -1   -1     -58
  2    0            -1   -1     -60
  3   26            -1   -1     -62
  4    7            -1   -1     -64
  5   11            -1   -1     -66
  6   27            -1   -1     -68

  1   34       -1   -1   -1     -71
  2   27       -1   -1   -1     -74
  3    8       -1   -1   35     -41
  4   19       -1   -1          -43
  5    4       -1   -1          -45
  6   28       -1   -1          -47

  1   21  -1   -1   -1   -1     -51
  2   14  -1   -1   -1   -1     -55
  3   29  -1   -1   -1   -1     -59
  4    2  -1   -1   -1   -1     -63
  5    2  -1   -1   -1   -1     -67
  6    6  -1   -1   35   -1     -35

  1    4  -1   -1   -1          -38
  2   15  -1   -1   -1          -41
  3   11  -1   -1   -1          -44
  4   25  -1   -1   -1          -47
  5    4  -1   -1   -1          -50
  6    2  -1   -1   -1          -53

  1   28  -1   -1               -55
  2   12  -1   -1               -57
  3    5  -1   -1               -59
  4    7  -1   -1               -61
  5   31  -1   -1               -63
  6   32  -1   -1               -65

  1   22  -1                    -66
  2    0  -1                    -67
  3    4  -1                    -68
  4   11  -1                    -69
  5   31  -1                    -70
  6   26  -1                    -71

  1   34  -1   -1               -73
  2   13  -1   -1               -75
  3   15  -1   -1               -77
  4   36  -1   -1               -79
  5   11  -1   -1               -81
  6   30  -1   -1               -83

  1   19  -1   -1   -1          -86
  2   23  -1   -1   -1          -89
  3   35  -1   -1   -1          -92
  4   13  -1   -1   -1          -95
  5   22  -1   -1   -1          -98
  6   15  -1   -1   -1         -101

  1   23  -1   -2   -1   -1    -106
  2   21  -1   -2   -1   -1    -111
  3   19  -1   -2   -1   -1    -116
  4    8  -1   -2   -1   35     -85
  5   25  -1   -2   -1          -89
  6    8  -1   -2   -1          -93

  1   21       -2   -1   -1     -97
  2   18       -2   -1   -1    -101
  3   32       -2   -1   -1    -105
  4   26       -2   -1   -1    -109
  5   36       -2   -1   -1    -113
  6   30       -2   -1   -1    -117

  1   20            -1   -1    -119
  2   36            -1   -1    -121
  3   23            -1   -1    -123
  4   31            -1   -1    -125
  5   31            -1   -1    -127
  6   12            -1   -1    -129

  1    1                 -1    -130
  2   13                 -1    -131
  3   12                 -1    -132
  4   33                 -1    -133
  5   17                 -1    -134
  6   30                 -1    -135

  1   31            -1   -1    -137
  2    0            -1   -1    -139
  3   19            -1   -1    -141
  4   31            -1   -1    -143
  5   19            -1   -1    -145
  6    0            -1   -1    -147

  1   26       -2   -1   -1    -151
  2    6       -2   35   -1    -119
  3    7       -2        -1    -122
  4    8       -2        35     -89
  5   16       -2               -91
  6   30       -2               -93

  1   33  -1   -2   -1   -1     -98
  2   15  -1   -2   -1   -1    -103
  3   11  -1   -2   -1   -1    -108
  4   16  -1   -2   -1   -1    -113
  5   28  -1   -2   -1   -1    -118
  6   36  -1   -2   -1   -1    -123

  1   14  -1   -3   -1         -128
  2   35  -1   -3   -1         -133
  3    1  35   -3   -1         -102
  4    0       -3   -1         -106
  5    5       -3   -1         -110
  6   18       -3   -1         -114

  1   15  -1   -3              -118
  2    5  -1   -3              -122
  3    5  -1   -3              -126
  4   17  -1   -3              -130
  5   25  -1   -3              -134
  6   32  -1   -3              -138

  1   17  -1                   -139
  2    1  35                   -104
  3   18                       -104
  4    4                       -104
  5    3                       -104
  6   25                       -104

  1   16  -1   -4              -109
  2   30  -1   -4              -114
  3   17  -1   -4              -119
  4    5  -1   -4              -124
  5   15  -1   -4              -129
  6    7  -1   -4              -134

  1   27  -1   -4   -1         -140
  2   18  -1   -4   -1         -146
  3    6  -1   -4   35         -116
  4   29  -1   -4              -121
  5   25  -1   -4              -126
  6   23  -1   -4              -131

  1    3  -1   175  -1   -1      41 << profit achieved, stop

I hope you'll like this system.

Honorable Member
Inscription: Il y a 18 ans
Posts: 564

faut avoir les nerfs un bon capital !
as tu déjà joué avec ça ?

Noble Member
Inscription: Il y a 17 ans
Posts: 1400

Dans l'exemple ci contre, j'ai utilisé un exemple extrème afin d'illustrer la progression dans son intégralité mais dans la majorité des cas le gain arrive vite. On peut appliquer ce principe des vagues aux rues, sixains and carrés.

Reputable Member
Inscription: Il y a 16 ans
Posts: 437

Dans l'exemple ci contre, j'ai utilisé un exemple extrème afin d'illustrer la progression dans son intégralité mais dans la majorité des cas le gain arrive vite. On peut appliquer ce principe des vagues aux rues, sixains and carrés.

Artemuse ?

Très intéressant !

Tu peux me mettre une traduction afin que rien ne m'échappe ?

Merci !

Reputable Member
Inscription: Il y a 17 ans
Posts: 479

Salut Man,
C'est la même chose


Et après tu suis la façon de miser, le dessin est assez explicite


Reputable Member
Inscription: Il y a 15 ans
Posts: 461

En tous cas c'est tres beau sur le papier et poétique .... Mais attention à la tempète!!! Ne serais tu pas responsable des vagues récentes sur Cannes et Nice il y a bien 3 ou 4 casinos qui trainent par là.

Trusted Member
Inscription: Il y a 16 ans
Posts: 71

. On peut appliquer ce principe des vagues aux rues, sixains and carrés.

Et dans ce cas, on garde les phases de 6 coups ou bien faut-il adapter celles-ci en fonction du jeu choisi (carré, sixains....) ?

New Member
Inscription: Il y a 15 ans
Posts: 1

j'ai plusieur methode a vendre, methode qui me raporte beaucoup d'argent.

Reputable Member
Inscription: Il y a 15 ans
Posts: 461

Y'a des personnes qui aiment le risque Ils misent tout sur leur premier message :mrgreen:

New Member
Inscription: Il y a 15 ans
Posts: 4

j'ai plusieur methode a vendre, methode qui me raporte beaucoup d'argent.

encore un comique qui va me dire qu'il a trouver une méthode a la roulette sans perdre !!! :bb

Et moi je suis météorologue je peut vous vendre le temps pour demain :pouh

Noble Member
Inscription: Il y a 17 ans
Posts: 2103

j'ai plusieur methode a vendre, methode qui me raporte beaucoup d'argent.

la vie de certains est pleine de paradoxes
(Karim, retournes dans ta niche !)

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