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Welcome to this European Forum on Roulette. If you don't understand the other threads, all you have to do is learn french

We have been discussing many different ideas and systems taken from many other roulette forums around the planet and even though the holy grail has not been found (I found it but I won't tell you ) we have found interesting paths to study on and I will share one with you.

Knowing how roulette forums work, there will be people screaming on day 1 that this logic has been tested before and that it's going straight to the wall bla bla bla but my study of this that I do privately with 2 other partners are giving us stats that are completely nuts.

The goal is to see if you can take the basis of my research and take it to a point that we didn't think of. If it fails, people bitch all the time and the thread goes nowhere, that's fine with me, I will continue my research with my friends.

So here I go. Enjoy your stay at the Jackpot Roulette Forum :slt


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First things first. When you hear me say the goal is to make my +10 you need to read this little story here...

When I first arrived on this forum in nov 2007, I said that my goal was to replace my IBM job with a roulette system and that the goal I had was to make $5,000 per month. Of course, everybody was laughing until I detailed the plan I had in mind (then, they just laughed even more ).

Take $5,000 and divide it by 20 which is the numbers of days we work each month (5 days X 4 weeks) that makes $250/day. Then if you play on Even Chances (ECs) at most casinos, the min to bet is $25 so if you divide $250 by $25 bets, you endup with 10 bets to win. So if you can win 10 bets per day, work 20 days per month, you will make $5,000 each month.

Now....winning 10 bets is no problem, everyone did that in their lives BUT winning those 10 chips (or making +10 as we say here) day after day is another thing. Nevertheless, the goal was on the table, making +10 everyday so that we can live off the roulette.

So forget about going to the casino to break the bank and not leave until they give you a check with 10 zeros on it, THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN. Stay focused, keep a cold head, make your 10 little chips and get the hell out of the casino, then repeat the process and YOU WILL make a living out of the casino.

This being said, making those 10 little chips is no easy task. I've studied the roulette for 18 years and on a daily basis for the last 18 months so I know what i'm talking about. I'm also a DayTrader so my Stock Market Analysis Experience doesn't hurt.

Ok, on with some basic analysis and laws affecting the roulette and some parts of the research I did.


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Inscription: Il y a 17 ans
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If you are surfing roulette forums for a while, you know that the roulette obeys a few laws like the law of the third (I call it the law of the "turd" because it leads nowhere) and my favorite law which is the law of average (LOA).

The LOA states that for every Red that comes out, a Black number will sooner or later come out to even things out. It's like the 50-50 chances of the head or tail on every coin. You may have 5 tails in a row, if you keep on flipping the coin, heads will get up to par.

The main problem with this LOA is exactly what I just said. EVEN if we know that after 5 Reds, there might be 5 Blacks coming soon, the roulette can come back with more reds and so on and by the time black comes out, you might be cleaned.

By studying the Stock Market, I realized something else that the roulette has and it's the fact that the LOA is not only affecting Reds vs Blacks but also Trends vs Consolidations. Let me explain...

When I was studying the Stock Market, my teachers told me that trading was very easy because the price of a Stock only goes up, down and sideways Of course they were joking regarding the "easy" part but they were right regarding the movement of the price, on a stock chart the price mostly go up, down which we call "Trends" or it moves sideways which we call "Consolidations" or Flags if you prefer.

Here's a typical Stock Chart. As you can see, the price moves up (white bars) or down (red bars) or consolidates (section between blue lines).

In fact, ask any traders and teachers what is the #1 trading pattern recognized all around the globe and flags will always come up on top. It's one of the most known and profitable pattern you can learn and make money from. Many top gun traders I know trade only flags and nothing else.

Now, let's go back to my statement here. What do I mean by the LOA is also affecting Trends vs Consolidations on the roulette?

Well, let's say that we have 1 Red, 1 Black, 1 Red, 1 Black, 1 Red, 1 Black. You might say, everything is fine and back to square. Well...IT'S NOT.

You see not only we should have 1 Red for Every Black but everytime we have 2 numbers of the same color (ex: 2 blacks in a row) we MUST have 2 numbers or the opposite color.

Count them if you want, you will mostly find that there is the same amount of numbers that are changing color than the amount of numbers of the same color.

So as you can see here in this diagram, if we have a consolidation (numbers of opposite colors) we must also have a trend (numbers of the same color) that follows. In this diagram, a red follows the black (to balance the Red/Black counter) but a 2nd red comes out to balance the consolidation/trend or CT counter.

Here's another example...

Just take any Weisbaden or list of spins and you'll be amazed of the fact that not only the RB counter evens out but also the CT counter also and that you can use them both to forecast what's coming.

In this diagram, you can see that the RB counter evens out. 1 Black then 1 Red and so on for the first 4-5 spins but look at the CT counter, you can see that the C column is going off the scale and the T column is left behind. In another words, watch out for the upcoming trend.

Don't believe me? Again, just take any Weisbaden or list of spins and you will see that after long trends, you will often see a long consolidation that follows and vice versa.

Something like this...

So just like when my teachers told me that to profit from a Flag, you need to spot either the trend or the consolidation and then you should be ready to jump in when it stops 1 pattern (ex: consolidation) to go to the next (ex: trend).

This is just 1 part of my main system because the roulette doesn't do all day long trends and consolidations but also small series of 2, 3 numbers of the same color but at least you have a good place to start your research.

Just like traders who only trade Flags, you can focus on that pattern alone and make some money. Then continue your research on how to make $$ besides just playing Trends or Consolidations.

Good luck,


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Inscription: Il y a 17 ans
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Mathematical odds are based on theoretical chance, which is not the same as real odds in the real world. Theoretically, there is a one in two chance of a coin flip coming up heads, but in reality heads might come up more or less than five times in ten flips.

You might think that you can beat the odds by either selecting numbers that have not been chosen in recent drawings, or by selecting numbers that have come up more frequently than expected in recent drawings. In either case, you are committing the gambler's fallacy. The odds are always the same, no matter what numbers have been selected in the past. This fallacy is commonly committed by gamblers who, for instance, bet on red at roulette when black has come up three times in a row. The odds of black coming up next are the same regardless of what colors have come up in previous turns.


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This is kinda funny Arte because YOU KNOW that in the majority of games, Red evens out with Black. Don't believe me? Just do like we did and create an Excel sim that will give you the total of spins that Red and Blacks have after 400 spins, in the end, these 2 colors evens out or are very close to one another.

NOW...don't get me wrong, I PERFECTLY understand the fact that they will be days where Red or Black goes nuts and the spread gets bigger and bigger and that there won't be any rebalancing of the colors. This is where comes in the CT counter.

Not only most of the time you can make money by betting the color that's late but to make it even more interesting, we now have a 2nd indicator for those same Red and Black and it's the Consolidation vs Trend counter (CT counter as I call it).

I explained it above using this figure. Where you think that everything is fine because the Red and Black are balancing each other, this is NOT the case. Trends are late and you can get a warning from this counter alone. In Daytrading, think of it as adding the Stochastics to the MACD

You see, most people who plays this Law Of Average (LOA), are only playing with the RB counter so they think that everthing is fine while a long trend is just about to hit them which they could profit from if they had the CT counter to give them this warning.

When the RB counter is balanced, look at the CT counter to receive a hint (not a certitude) of where the roulette will go. When the CT is balanced, then you look at the RB counter.

Remember, most of the time, these 2 counters will arrive at the end of the day almost balanced and before you trash me with the term "most of the time" saying that winning "most of the time" doesn't matter because it's when you lose to you lose all the gains that you won "most of the time". This is where comes in Stop Losses and Progressions.

Remember what I said above, that you will find many time during a typical roulette day, a long trend following a long consolidation or vice versa? Now the born losers as I call them will be quick to jump in and say "...pfffff bullsh**, there is NOTHING that prooves that the roulette will do this long consolidation right after the trend" and well... they are right BUT... time and time again, it will. Again, look at Wiesbaden perms, you 'll see.

This is where comes in a simple progression like 1,2,3,4,5, etc... And just like trading a flag in a Stock Chart, you use a Stop Loss so that after a trend, if the consolidation stops after 2 spins, you stop betting.

Now let's say that it failed 5 times (which is rarely the case as those consolidation often follows trends) so you lost the 5 first bets (1,2,3,4,5) for a total of -15 and then comes this baby here which you bet not 1 but 6 chips right from the start. Now you make +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6...

Does that ring a bell now? Or do I have to ring it for you?

Now here comes the REEEEEAAAL fun.

As I mentioned above, trends attract consolidations but consolidations attract trends too and many times you will see a trend followed by a consolidation which is then followed by a trend which is then followed by a consolidation which is then followed by a trend etc...

Look at this crazy day at Weisbaden. Look at the last 2 columns. You can see a trend of 6 reds followed by a small consolidation cut by a trend of 2 that you can go through easily with a small progression. If you stop at the trend of 2, no problem, it starts another consolidation right after but when it ends (22 and 15) and you switch in trend mode, you hit the jackpot with a nice trend of 19 blacks. Can you imagine betting 6 chips on each spins for that one?

Ok now don't dream this will not happen everyday but you get the idea of the power of those "C/T" combos. You lose SINGLE bets but gain MULTIPLE bets when it hits and it does happen often.

Again this is just a small portion of my research on roulette and the present system my team have since you just can't wait for those long trends or consolidations to start playing, it's too boring, at least for me and my team but when they do occur, we can profit from this.

Oh well, i'm sure there will be people bitching and trashing what I just said so I hope the "smart ones" will get this one.


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Hi Merlin,
what do you mean by "then comes this baby here":

This is where comes in a simple progression like 1,2,3,4,5, etc... And just like trading a flag in a Stock Chart, you use a Stop Loss so that after a trend, if the consolidation stops after 2 spins, you stop betting.

Now let's say that it failed 5 times (which is rarely the case as those consolidation often follows trends) so you lost the 5 first bets (1,2,3,4,5) for a total of -15 and then comes this baby here which you bet not 1 but 6 chips right from the start. Now you make +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6...

Noble Member
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Hi Merlin,
what do you mean by "then comes this baby here":

This is where comes in a simple progression like 1,2,3,4,5, etc... And just like trading a flag in a Stock Chart, you use a Stop Loss so that after a trend, if the consolidation stops after 2 spins, you stop betting.

Now let's say that it failed 5 times (which is rarely the case as those consolidation often follows trends) so you lost the 5 first bets (1,2,3,4,5) for a total of -15 and then comes this baby here which you bet not 1 but 6 chips right from the start. Now you make +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6...

Hey guys allow me to switch to french for a while as my friend Nherisson didn't get this english expression.

Salut Nherisson,

Ben c'est évident non? Then comes this babyt veut dire..."et voilà donc ce bébé".. Après tout, si babelfish le dit alors ça doit être ça non?

Hehe, en fait c'est simplement une expression anglaise pour dire qu'arrive une belle séquence qu'on vois plus bas où on a 6 mode T suivi de 7 modes C.

En passant, si je dis en anglais "..I went to the casino and then came this baby" alors ça pourrait être ce genre de "bébé" aussi.


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Pas mal ce topic , on voit de belle chose ci:gar:

Noble Member
Inscription: Il y a 16 ans
Posts: 1573

Et moi quand je mets un lien vers ce genre de chose (un peu plus dénudé) fenix il râle ^^


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