Eminent Member
Inscription: Juin 23, 2009
Sujets: 1 / Réponse: 20
Tera TNT Arnaque

nauci prvo hrvatski pa pisi....

Il y a 16 ans
Tera TNT Arnaque

where are you now...don't have a proof....don't know rules???? anybody hera is not hear for REDUCTION in system...ouuu you all have worong system th...

Il y a 16 ans
Tera TNT Arnaque

haha... nemas ti pojma sta je rulet vidim ja.... e ako mislis da je sranje, prijatelju dokazi da je...stavi pravila i materijale.....ajde da te vidi...

Il y a 16 ans
Tera TNT Arnaque

Hey... on the internet i put the wrong tera tnt for scammers.... if you don't beleive taht this work...don't beleive.... if you to see materials co...

Il y a 16 ans
Tera TNT Arnaque

Hey, i put that this because I don't know French... But I am not scammer.... This system works....and I have proof materials that works... Best Reg...

Il y a 16 ans
Il y a 16 ans
Replies: 51
Views: 18901
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